General manager visit the state of the south Darfur

Category : Bank News | Sub Category : Last News Posted on 2023-02-08 03:01:44

General manager visit the state of the south Darfur

     General manager and his accompanying delegation visited the state of South Darfur, where he    was received at the airport by  Manager  of the Bank of Sudan, Managersof bank branches in the state and the President of the Chamber of Commerce.

     The purpose of the visit  : to  know the bank customers and find out their requirements  .

     General Manager met with businessmen in the state, and they discussed all the  activities in the state and how to deal with the branch in financing and its procedures .

The visit also included meetings with:

1.      1. MANAGER/ Governor of the state

2.     2.  MANAGER/ Nyala University

3.      3. MANAGER/ Savannah College

4.      4. MANAGER/ Medical Supplies

      And discuss with them how to deal with technology in all fields, pay student fees   electronical  and pay salaries in the state also electronically.